Veggie Patch Tips - May Cool/Central Victoria

Veggie Patch Tips - May Cool/Central Victoria

🌧 MAY VEGGIE PATCH TIPS are here! It's getting colder...those frosts aren't far away! ❄️

🍏 I love a good root (tree). This is a perfect time to start thinking about fruits and where you're going to plant them! Organic matter, a bit of getting moist and some mulch will do the trick! Go wild and find some exotic and naughty fruits! 
🥦 Vegetables: Brassicas. What are they you ask? Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and if you hate your kids, brussels sprouts. Whack in some sage with these guys as a great, caterpillar and moth-defeating sidekick. Peas and broad beans now, so we give them the winter to extend their roots all deep like. Radish, Swedes, turnips and spinach too.

💦 Watering Advice: Smart action says to still watch for the weather. She's providing a fair bit for us at the moment. If you're watering your garden, do so in the morning and provide deep, infrequent watering sessions a couple of times per week. 

☘ Make it pretty and attract good insects! As always - dianthus, cornflower, pansy, viola, verbena. 

📬 WHAT NEXT: Send us a message if you need any help with your home maintenance! From a simple yard mow, to a regular vegetable garden maintenance program - enquire now! There's plenty more bad jokes if you just want one of those! 
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